Submission Instructions for ePOTB
- To be eligible to submit work to ePOTB you must be aged between 12 and 17 on 30th November 2017.
- Before making a submission, please register with us as a potential contributor and choose your personal username and password.
- If you submitted to Issue 13 or 14, you do not need to re-register; your username and password are still valid. If you have forgotten your details, there is a link on the login page through which you can recover your username and/or reset your password.
- Once you have a username and password you will be able to login to the website and use the submission forms.
- During the registration process you will be asked for your name, postal address, email address, phone number, date of birth.
- You will also be asked for the name of your school or college and if you or your work have any Scottish connections (eg you are Scottish, have Scottish relatives/ancestors, your work was inspired by Scotland, etc). These details are collected as background information only; they will not be taken into account during the selection process.
- In line with our Privacy Policy, registration details will be retained for contact in relation to Pushing Out the Boat only. We will not share data with any other organisation or use it or any other purpose without obtaining your prior permission.
- All submissions must be made through the relevant forms on this website. Submissions will not be accepted via email.
- The submission forms are only visible once you have logged in. (See registration information above.)
- To find the submission forms, hover the mouse over the ‘Submissions’ heading in the menu bar above and links to the submission forms will appear in a drop-down menu. Alternatively, use one of these links:
- The submission form will ask you for the title of your entry, some further details (described in the following sections), and the name of the file to be uploaded.
- You will also be asked to indicate that, if your submission is selected, it would be your first publication. This information is being collected for background information and will not influence the selection process.
- To ensure that the entries passed to the selection panels remain anonymous, please make sure that no personal details, such as your name or contact details, are included within the uploaded file.
- If you wish to submit more than one entry, each entry must be submitted in a separate file.
- By making a submission, you agree to accept the terms of Privacy, Reproduction & Copyright detailed below.
- Poetry, fiction and playscript may be submitted, provided it has not been accepted for publication elsewhere; we welcome work in English, Doric or Scots
- Due to limited space, shorter works are preferable – although we may accept longer items (including self-contained extracts) up to 2,000 words.
- You may submit up to three poems and/or up to two prose/playscript pieces
- Submissions should be uploaded through the relevant web form as separate MS Word or RTF files.
- The web form will ask you for details of the title, word count/number of stanzas (as appropriate) and name of the file to be uploaded. Please do not include more than one submission in a file.
- In each file include only the title of the piece and the piece itself. Please do not use headers, footers or page numbering.
- A maximum of three images (colour and/or black-and-white) of 2- or 3-dimensional work – including line drawings, illustrations, photographs, etc may be submitted.
- Submissions should be uploaded through the relevant web form as separate files, in JPG or PNG format.
- Files should be no more than 5MB in size.
- To ensure that your image is of sufficient quality for publication, one of the image width or height should be at least 1200px.
- The web form will ask you for details of the title of the submission, whether it is in colour or b&w, plus the medium/materials and the dimensions (in mm) of any original artwork.
- Access to submissions will be restricted to the selection and editorial team of Pushing Out the Boat.
- No use will be made of those submissions not selected for publication.
- Items, or extracts from items, published in our magazines may also be used on the Pushing Out the Boat website and in other POTB publicity.
- Copyright: All content copyright © of respective authors and artists. Contents of the magazine may not be used or reproduced without crediting POTB and the author or artist. Any commercial re-use or reproduction of a contribution requires prior permission from the editor’s representative and the particular contributor.
- Each submission will be acknowledged by an automated email to the submitter.
- You can check the submission of your entry/entries through the My Profile link on the main menu. This page also contains links to the submission forms.
- Any queries should be addressed to
- Final date for submissions is 30th November 2017 but earlier entries are especially appreciated.
- The target date for completion of the selection process is late January 2018 after which the My Profile details will be updated to indicate which entries have been accepted for publication.
- Successful entrants will also be notified by email. Please note that, due to limited resources, we are unable to enter into correspondence regarding selection.
- We aim to publish this ezine online in Spring 2018.
Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation
© 2024 Pushing Out the Boat (POTB)
SCIO No SC044919