Sample pages from Pushing Out the Boat Issue 15.Click on a page corner to turn the pages or explore using the toolbar at the bottom. |
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This image may be too small for printing.
Submitters are asked to provide an image with one dimension at least 2400 px - which has a print size of 203 mm (8 inches) when printed at 300dpi.
This image falls into the warning threshold where maximum dimension is between 1200 and 2400 px. Take a look at it and add an alert to the Selection Panel if you think appropriate.
Submitters are asked to provide an image for which the largest of width and height is at least 2400 px - that's a print size of 203 mm (8 inches) when printed at 300dpi. Smaller images in the range 1200 – 2400 px are accepted with a warning
This image is even smaller than the warning threshold and so should be rejected.
The Word Count, Stanza Count, Line Count and Notes to Selection Panel can be updated through this form.
Line Count should contain the number of lines per stanza, separated by commas,
e.g. 4, 5, 4 for a poem with 3 stanzas having 4, 5 and 4 lines, respectively.
Very occasionally you may want to record some extra information about the processing of an entry as a matter of record only, not for the Selection Panel's eyes, e.g. 'This is a replacement for entry S025 withdrawn by submitter', or 'Checked with Freda that some of the details originally included under Medium not appropriate for Selection Panel'.
This toolbar can be used to control which entries are displayed and how they are sorted.
This toolbar can be used to control which entries are displayed.
These links can be used to generate a summary listing on which you can record your personal notes and comments as you review the entries. The listing can be generated either in print-ready format or in spreadsheet format, by clicking on the appropriate link.
This toolbar can be used to control which entries are displayed.
These links can be used to generate a summary listing on which you can record your personal notes and comments as you review the entries. The listing can be generated either in print-ready format or in spreadsheet format, by clicking on the appropriate link.
The Word Count and Notes to Selection Panel can be updated through this form.
Entries waiting for review by the Selection Panel are highlighted by a green background and have an initial status of for review.
Once an entry has been considered, its status should be changed as follows:
For ease of recognition, the background colour of each entry is coded according to its status.
Entries waiting for review by the Selection Panel are highlighted by a green background and have an initial status of for review.
Once an entry has been considered, its status should be changed as follows:
For ease of recognition, the background colour of each entry is coded according to its status.
The status of an entry denotes where it is in the selection process. All entries have an initial status of For review and are highlighted by a green background. Once an entry has been considered by the Selection Panel, its status will be changed as follows:
Only the Panel Convenor can change the status of an entry and will do so following consultation with the panel members.
Background colour
For ease of recognition, the background colour of each entry is coded according to its status.
Initially, reserve entries will be ranked in the order in which they were chosen. Once the selection process is complete, the Panel Convenor will adjust the ranks into the panel's order of preference.
The status of an entry denotes where it is in the selection process. All entries have an initial status of For review and are highlighted by a green background. Once an entry has been considered by the Selection Panel, its status will be changed as follows:
Only the Panel Convenor can change the status of an entry and will do so following consultation with the panel members.
Background colour
For ease of recognition, the background colour of each entry is coded according to its status.
Initially, reserve entries will be ranked in the order in which they were chosen. Once the selection process is complete, the Panel Convenor will adjust the ranks into the panel's order of preference.
To read an entry, simply click on the entry number and a new window will open in which a PDF version of the submission will be displayed.
All the web browsers I have checked (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera) have a built-in reader which will display PDF documents inline. If your browser starts up Adobe viewer or tries to download the document, then you may need to adjust your browser settings. If you need help with this, please get back in touch with me.
Mac user?
Alas, I don't have a Mac, so can't give you exact instructions for Safari but, if you need help with this, get back in touch with me and I will enlist the help of my son to come up with the recipe.
Want to read on a Kindle? PDFs can be read directly on the Kindle but there is no automatic line wrap which can mean you have to display at an uncomfortably small font size. It is possible to improve the readability of the file by using Amazon's own personal document conversion service:
For further assistance
contact me (Aenea) by email:
To view an image, click on the thumbnail and a new window will open in which a full-screen version of the image will be displayed.
To print an image, view the full-screen version of the image as described above, then use your browser's Print command to print the image.
To download an image, view the full-screen version of the image as described above, right click on the image and then choose 'Save Image As' (or 'Save As') to download a copy of the image to your computer.
For further assistance
contact me (Aenea) by email:
To be able to view submissions online, without having to download them first, we are using a tool called the Google Document Embedder or GDE for short.
When viewing, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of each page, to ensure that there are no footers or page numbers.
Scroll down to the bottom of the window to see the toolbar.
denotes that you are at page 1 of 5
click to advance one page
click to go back one page
click to make the text bigger
click to make the text smaller
Page appears to load but all I get is a blank screen
Try reloading the page. You may need to do this several times but the document should appear eventually.
Any other problems?
Please report to Aenea for investigation
For ease of viewing and to preserve anonymity, PDF versions of prose and poetry entries are created.
You are getting this message either because the PDF version of this entry has not yet been created or because it requires to be updated, following replacement of the submission file.
Creation of PDF files normally happens overnight, as it requires a file transfer to and from Aenea's home PC.
In the meantime, you can view the entry using the Gview inline viewer.
Please contact Aenea if you experience a delay in PDF creation longer than 2 days.
Since the PDF version is the only version that will be seen by the Selection Panel, you will not be able to update the status of this entry to Checked until the PDF file has been created.
The artwork details Colour/B&W, Medium and Original Dimensions can be updated through this form.
Note: If the details provided by the submitter under the Medium heading contain some further details that are relevant to the submission but are not part of the medium description (e.g. This image is intended to accompany the poem titled 'Fresh Fields') then these details should be copied into the Notes for Selection Panel box and removed from the Medium.
The Document Library is organised into folders
To re-sort the list of folder names:
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The Document Library is organised into folders
To re-sort the list of folder names:
Use the icons as follows:
To View a document or image within your web browser
To Download a document to your computer
(only appears for documents with no PDF version)
To go back to the Team Document Library home page
This help popup not written yet.
Coming shortly (I hope).
Use the icons as follows:
To View a document or image within your web browser
To Download a document to your computer
(only appears for documents with no PDF version)
To go back to the Team Document Library home page
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Notes on updating a file