Issue 7
Published by Pushing Out the Boat, 2008
Issue 7 of Pushing Out the Boat, North East Scotland’s own prestigious magazine of new writing and visual art was launched on 1 May 2008. The event at Aberdeen Arts Centre, which began the Wordfringe 2008 festival, featured readings by many of the contributors along with displays of artwork.
image by Darren Marsh
FOREWORD by J. Graeme Roberts
A good wine needs no bush – nor, in its seventh year, does Pushing Out the Boat any longer require the aid of a well-known author or critic to launch it on its course. It has come of age and can make its own way in the world. That said, it appears to have fallen to me to fill this blank space above our list of contents. Hmmmm …
Gie’s a suppie o’ yer milk –
Naw, it’s fur ma cauf
or very short story: The king died and then the queen died – of grief
or a drawing, like the flourish made by Corporal Trim’s stick in Tristram Shandy:– “A thousand of my father’s most subtle syllogisms could not have said more for celibacy”
or, better still (Lawrence Sterne again) I could simply leave a blank for you to fill in for yourself:
(… go on, you know you want to). As for me, it looks like I’ve run out of space. Enjoy!
Graeme Roberts worked for forty years at the University of Aberdeen, latterly as Dean of Arts & Divinity and Vice-Principal; he is chairman of Aberdeen Performing Arts.
Sample Pieces:
poem by Eleanor Fordyce
poem by Catriona Yule
On the River Findhorn
poem by Steven Porter
Kintail Lamb
poem by Auld Yin
Memories of Time Gone By
extract from story by Hannah Kunzlik
The Cuttin
extract from story by Linda Smith
Gretna Sunrise
extract from story by Vivien Jones
The stories can be read in full in Issue 7
Jonathan Anderson
Auld Yin
Callum Beith
Norman Bissett
Ruth Channing
Mercedes Clarasó
Mary Crenshaw
Mark Edwards
David Elder
Eleanor Fordyce
Sheena Graham-George
George Hardie
John Hargreaves
Penny Hemans
Haworth Hodgkinson
David Hutchison
Vivien Jones
Elaine Kay
Hannah Kunzlik
Douglas Kynoch
Alexander Lang
Neil Leadbeater
Irene Leake
Mary Leith
Rob A. Mackenzie
Darren Marsh
Barbara Mathie
Russell Milne
Ian Morrison
Donald S. Murray
David Pettigrew
Jane Pettigrew
Steven Porter
Sheila Reid
Maureen V. Ross
Wendy de Rusett
Neil Russell
Kenneth Shand
James Sinclair
Linda Smith
Judith Taylor
Sarah Ellen Taylor
Knotbrook Taylor
Maggie Wallis
Martin Walsh
Catriona Yule