Issue 9
Published by Pushing Out the Boat, 2010
Issue 9 of Pushing Out the Boat, North-East Scotland’s Magazine of New Writing, was launched on Sunday 16 May 2010 at the University of Aberdeen’s Word Festival
Cover: Yellow Driftwood
image by David Pettigrew
FOREWORD by Christine De Luca
It is rare to find an anthology that, whilst representing so well the area from which it draws its inspiration and response, reaches out to embrace a wealth of new writing in a wide range of styles. Here you will find poetry and prose filtered through the necessary sieve of quality: English and Doric, local and international writing cheek by jowl; and the work of young people sitting alongside that of more mature writers. This is a handsome magazine, building on earlier successes, with sparkling new art work, excellent design and layout as well as a treasure trove of words.
The North East is lucky to have such a dedicated team willing and able to bring together a regular anthology of such a high standard, and thus encourage not just local writers and artists but also writers from all over the English-speaking world to aspire to seeing their work in a quality production.
As the submission guidelines say ‘Our readers come to us to be entertained, seduced, unsettled, surprised, and above all given something to think about’. You’ll find plenty within these covers to do just that. Keep Pushing Out the Boat!
Christine De Luca is a poet who writes in both English and Shetlandic. She is widely published and has been translated into over 15 languages as well as being broadcast on Radio 4. Her awards include the Shetland Writing Prize; the prize for best poem in Shetland Dialect in 2006; and the Prix du Livre insulaire, 2007. She also featured in Best Scottish Poems 2006. Her fifth collection, The North End of Eden, will be published by Luath Press in 2010. See and for more.
Sample Pieces:
Urban Shaman
poem by Rapunzel Wizard
Fitty Gloamin
poem by Sheena Blackhall
poem by Angela Arnold
Scunner in the Gallery
extract from story by Donnie Ross
Egg Races
extract from story by Heather Reid
Last Journey Home
extract from story by Hannah Kunzlik
The stories can be read in full in Issue 9.
Angela Arnold
Paul Barnes
Rumjhum Biswas
Sheena Blackhall
John Bolland
Bernard Briggs
Lynsey Calderwood
Camille Conner
Fraser Cowie
Jeff Crouch
Eleanor Fordyce
Emily Fraser
Lisa Gribbon
Nat Hall
George Hardwick
Jill Henderson
Haworth Hodgkinson
David Kowalczyk
Hannah Kunzlik
Christine Laennec
Alexander Lang
Lindsay McMillan
Keith Murray
Helen Nash
Stephen Pacitti
David Pettigrew
Jane Pettigrew
Heather Reid
Gerard Rochford
Donnie Ross
Sara Kay Rupnik
Fiona Russell
Neil Russell
Wayne Scheer
Christine Spence
Margaret Stewart
Judith Taylor
Knotbrook Taylor
Lesley-Anne Taylor
Sarah Ellen Taylor
Dasha Vyhnalkova
Maggie Wallis
Martin Walsh
Christian Ward
Elizabeth Waugh
Nicolette Westfall
Tim Winters
Rapunzel Wizard
John Worthington