Pushing Out the Boat Writers nominated for Scots Writer of the Year
Pushing Out the Boat, North-East Scotland’s magazine of new writing and the visual arts, is pleased to see that two of its contributors who write in both Scots and Doric have been short-listed for the prestigious Scots Writer of the Year Award 2020.
Poet Sheila Templeton was born in Aberdeenshire and is also the winner of this year’s McCash Prize for Poetry in Scots. Her poem The Iceberg that Sunk the Titanic features in the current issue of the magazine. Most recently, she joined other Pushing Out the Boat contributors for an evening of readings at Aberdeen University’s WayWORD festival, where she also read a moving tribute to her late sister.
Originally from Fraserburgh, author Shane Strachan’s short story Dia de los Muertos appeared in Issue 13 of the magazine. He is also shortlisted with writer and performer Frieda Strachan for Scots Project of the Year for their collaboration Doric Dwams. Shane recently re-joined Pushing Out the Boat as a trustee and has been a member of the magazine’s prose panel.
Pushing Out the Boat editor Lily Greenall said, ‘It’s a tribute to the high quality of writing in Pushing Out the Boat that two of the writer of the year finalists have entrusted their work to us. The fact that both come from the North-East is a bonus.’
A total of five authors are short-listed authors for the writer of the year award. The winner will be decided by public vote online at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/scotslanguageawards.
The winner of the award will be announced at an online ceremony on Saturday 24th October.