Seasons Greetings from Pushing Out the Boat

Welcome to Pushing Out the Boat’s newsletter, where we let you know what we’ve been up to this year and take a look forward to 2019.

We didn’t publish a new magazine this year but managed to fit in an evening of readings at Aberdeen’s Books and Beans café, mainly work from our most recent issue. You can read about the evening in our blog.

Work is well in hand on Issue 15, due for publication in April. Our thanks to the record number of people who submitted poetry, prose and art for consideration. Our panels are hard at work making a final selection but if you want to know what it’s like editing Pushing Out the Boat, have a peek at our interview with Issue 15 Guest Editor, Martin Walsh.

Also due thanks are those who submitted work and answered our online survey to see how we’re doing. There was plenty of positive feedback: we were pleased to be told ‘It’s getting better every time!’ but did wonder whether ‘The title suggests there should be some boat related stories’ was said tongue-in-cheek (at least we hope so). Of course, there were also suggestions for improvement and we’ll let you know on the website what we’re doing about them.

Social media is another way of keeping in touch so, if you don’t already, please consider following our Facebook page and Twitter account. We welcome comments on both of them.

With autumn in Scotland already passed and winter here, you may enjoy reading our seasonal bouquet of extracts from past issues of the magazine. You can also find Issue 13 live on our website where you can buy a copy of Issue 14 as a gift for that literary friend at the festive offer price of £5 plus p&p – complete with free Pushing Out the Boat bookmark.

We end with our thanks to you – whether you bought or read our magazine, attended a reading, submitted work for publication, dipped into our Facebook page or website or just said nice things about us!

Finally, all at Pushing Out the Boat wish you a Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year.